Current Openings
• Computer Science – Looking for applicants who write computer science lectures. Must have teaching experience (community college level preferred) and industry experience. Knowledge of C++, Java, Python, and networking a plus. Must show writing samples, multiple media (video, podcast, text) preferred.
• Early Childhood Education – credential required, must have a master’s degree in ECE specifically
• ENG – Adjunct instructors wanted to teach Composition I and II online. Applicants must be residents of Colorado and have a minimum of two years online teaching experience. Masters Degree in English, Writing, or Rhetoric and Composition required
• Physics – Masters Degree required with a minimum of 18 graduate credits completed in physics.
• Chemistry – CCCOnline is looking for CHE101 instructors. Qualifications must include a Master’s in Chemistry with at least one year of teaching experience.
• DevEd English – Instructors wanted to teach Developmental English online. Bachelor’s degree in English, Writing, or Reading required, master’s degree preferred. Preference will be given to applicants with recent experience teaching online.